
Everyone wants to know how they can improve their golf game, and the truth is that sometimes you just have to go back to basics. We have thrown together a quick list of things that we want people to get out there and start practicing! Remember that practise is the key to any progress in life, so you have to put in the work. Stop just smacking balls and start trying to make some key improvements to your game. Without further ado, lets get into it. Tip 1 Sort Out Your Hand Position Get ahold of your driver and try […]

golf balls

We are constantly asked about golf balls here at Golf Sense, and people are desperate to know if there is some magical ball that they can use that will improve their game overnight. We wanted to set the record straight on the subject, and really the first thing that any golfer should know is that it is not all about your balls. Ok but seriously, the type of ball that you use will not turn you into a pro simply by using it, you need practise and exposure to different balls and golf courses. We recently published an article here

Best Golf Ball?Read More »


When it comes to improving your golf game, you can have all the data and statistics that you want, but it is useless without applied practice. Practice is how we improve and get better, but practice itself is an art, and many people get it wrong. If you are not practising in the right way, then you are essentially just repeating bad habits over and over, which will just make them harder to unlearn. To practice effectively, you need to have good form and be vigilant in how you approach it. You also need to make sure that you practice

Driving Range Vs Golf CourseRead More »

SDTM mapping software

As you may already know, we make special products that help golfers improve their swing. We do this with a special glove insert that measures thousands of key datapoints that are relevant to your swing. By collecting these values, we then determine which parts of your swing are working and which parts need improvement. We spent hundreds of hours developing the product and logging hundreds of thousands of points of data that we recorded, and we realised that we would need an automated logging process, much like what SDTM mapping software does in the medical industry. SDTM software makes it

SDTM Mapping Helped Us Improve ProductsRead More »


Choosing the right golf club can be a tricky task, especially for beginners, and there are a lot of options out there that makes the whole thing very daunting. People want to know which golf clubs are best for them, and think that this is an important subject and one that we get asked about a lot. We wanted to give our advice on choosing a golf club so that you can get the best shot at improving your swing. Here are our top tips for getting to grips with the best golf club for you. TIP 1 – Don’t

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Auto Instagram followers

Auto Instagram followers for golfers can bring a lot of promising benefits to their careers. Lets look at how an Instagram bot can enhance golfers social profile whilst helping to improve engagement with other sportspeople online. Golf And Instagram Golf and Instagram are two different entities altogether and not something you might commonly associate with each other. However increasingly high profile golfers are using Instagram as an outlet to share golfing pictures as well as short videos detailing golfing tips. Thanks to this social media activity , increasing numbers of people of all ages are becoming more engaged with the

Auto Instagram Followers For GolfersRead More »